domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Who's had the biggest influence on your life? Why?

Do not know who is the person who influenced me most in my life because many people have influenced me and I cannot say more than the others who influenced me more than others. For example all my friends have influenced me, my teammates and all my ex-partner. May be one of my friends who is an ex-partner, but also could be another of my friends who is my partner, could also be some friends from the neighbourhood, although I do not see many years because I moved and I saw him no back to see. In the future there will be many negative influences most of the drug issue smoking and that sort of thing that should refuse, should because idk if I'll say this later on but I hope the temptations say the same but.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

From which person have you learned most in your life? Why?

the person she has taught me in my life is... I do not know who it is because many people have taught me things and no more than the others who like my family has taught me a lot. .my parents taught me everything that parents should teach. my brother taught me to read and many other things and also my friends has taught me to trust them and other things and if all that together all these people showed me what I am today. some friends who first taught me everything that can be a friend and cannot teach me anything more because it came from my life, some completely and others even I still have contact with them and my family also I have no contact with some but if other

From which person have you learned most in your life? Why?

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Rainbow in the dark

When there's lightning - it always bring me down 
Cause it's free and I see that it's me 
Who's lost and never found 
I cry for magic - I feel it dancing in the light 
But it was cold - I lost my hold 
To the shadows of the night 
There's no sign of the morning coming 
You've been left on your own 
Like a Rainbow in the Dark 
A rainbow in the dark 
Do your demons - do they ever let you go 
When you've tried - do they hide -deep inside 
Is it someone that you know 
You're a picture - just an image caught in time 
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
We're a lie - you and I 
We're words without a rhyme 
There's no sign of the morning coming 
You've been left on your own 
Like a Rainbow in the Dark 
just a Rainbow in the Dark 
we did not see lightning - you now it always brings me down 
Cause it's free and I see that it's me 
who's lost and never found 
Feel the magic - I feel it floating in the air 
But it's fear - and you'll hear it calling you beware - look out 
There's no sign of the morning coming 
There's no sight of the day 
You've been left on your own 
Like a Rainbow in the Dark 
Like a Rainbo in the Dark 
Your a Rainbow in the Dark 

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Alberto Hurtado

Alberto Hurtado now is san Alberto Hurtado. He was very very solidary, he help the poor . He founded the faous children's home called Hogar de Cristowhere children can live, supplies, , more simply hav a home. He is very important in Chile for all that mentioned above, was very helpful to the poor, much of himself and said ''give until it hurts''. he made two miracles. He is regarded in Chile as the Peter's square, Vatican City. The celebration was attended by thousands of Chileans, led by the President of the Republic.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Extreme Sports

I think extreme sports are great Things Because They Are extreme adrenaline you enjoy and feel is the best part of all The Dangerous Adventure of extreme sports. The extreme sports Because everyone can do Some are afraid of heights (in Some sports) or fear That something goes wrong and for That reasin don 'like the extreme sports. But think thath would be great to play one but I Do not Have The Opportunity and my parents do not like the extreme sports

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

I hate piercings

I hate the piercings. The piercing is ugly, is like a iron in your body and I think that hurt to put it. Also my parent kill me if I get a piercing. I hate the piercings but I like the tatoos becouse are great, i like them becouse simply are great, is indescribable. The piercing are trash, garbage, I hate. When I see a person whit a piercing I imagine me whit that piersing , and it's weird because I do not like piercings, well and I think I am ugly with that piercing.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Mother´s day

Ok I go to start by saying that mothers deserve this day, becouse mothers care for us much, do things around the house(mostly). Also i want to say happy mother day(i told my mother :-P). My mom is grumpy sometimes but in spite of that... i love she. It also like any mother, he loves her sons more that anyone else. Good that more could be said of mother, besides being ''like she be''... well i think nothing. Mom you are very good, follows so.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

time´s power

I wanna have this power because it´s the greates that exist but exist other greats power.

This power is beast becouse it´s attributed for many good things for example you can stop the time and ridiculo someone lol xD. Also if somethig goes wrong you can turn back the time and re-do. And much more things this power would become very funny. ok think this power is best compared with the others onle think... you can do things very funny and for the sake. Yeah this power is cool.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Chile´s reconstruccion

By the destruction(the hoses, roads, etc ) caused by the earthquake of 27/02/10 Chile need reconstruccion all the things that were destroyed by earthquake. Some youngs go to help the most afected area(``un techo para chile´´ call the youngs and for this reason more youngs go to help). Teleton put money to help the affected areas(asked to people to collaborate, of course).

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

The resurrection

Jesus gaves his life for us(all humans). Jesu is betrayed by Judas and is brought to trial that the Romans prepared. Later he is crucified this under the power of Poncio Pilato. Jesus is buried in a cave hidden by a large rock. 3 days later the rock is remove. Jesus do a resurrection!!!!!!!

miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010

Looting in Concepción

By earthquake 27/02/10 produced a crisis situation. In this sutuation some houses were destroyed and the owners of this houses lost everything as they had. In Concepción some people ( by the earthquake and the destruccion at the houses) have nothing to eat and for the babies. By this situation some need do a looting. But some people do a looting not for food or this stuff loot for earning.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

saint Joseph

Saint Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus(or also called biological father of Jesus). He was also the husband of Mary. Saint Joseph worked in a carpenter and later he teach at jesus this work.